DNA reports of Sajal Jain and Sugam Jaiswal have indicated their involvement in the New Year eve's rape.
After 44 years, India's most well known detergent brand 'Surf' has been quietly phased out by its manufacturer Hindustan Lever since the company felt the brand name was "becoming somewhat generic"
The police has divided the investigation in such a manner that different departments are probing various aspects of the case to nail the culprits at the earliest.
The blast occurred in the posh Nehrunagar locality.
Whirlpool of India on Tuesday said it was eyeing 400,000 appliances sale this festival season, backed by an innovative promotion scheme but would not offer any price discounts for purchases made during this period.
District and Sessions Judge M N Patnaik, while sentencing Dara Singh, the main accused in the murder of Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two minor sons, said: "This is one of the rarest of rare cases."
In Mayurbhanj shops, business establishments, offices, educational institutions remained open and traffic was normal
A US judge on Tuesday dismissed all sex crime charges against former International Monetary Fund head Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a move that could bolster his plans to contest the next French presidential elections in 2012.
'For 13 years, my father lived with the stain that his son was a terrorist. It was the worse thing to happen to him'
The former heavyweight boxing champ is full of rage and remorse in a new two-hour documentary.
'I understand this society that I live in hates me' and 'I'm gonna live it 'til they kill me,' said the former boxing champ.
The Hyderabad-based Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics Analysis concluded that the biological fluid (semen) present on the sanitary pad of the victim was that of Rahul, the prime accused.
Joseph Cooper was carrying out religious propaganda in violation of Indian laws, it said.
To err is now a financial liability and forgiveness takes up valuable business time, and our fast paced, hypersonic world chooses not to waste any time on trivialities. So as you go about your pursuit of a meaningful career, make sure you don't commi
'It is hard to connect this Hindu terror mastermind over-drive with the Swami Aseemanand of tribal simplicity and boundless energy, whom I have known since the last 11 years and interacted with closely.'
Indian ad world is reworking its sensibilities. From depicting mere black & white characters, it is moving on to the grey shades - both in heroes & issues. Commercials of brands like Sprite, MotoYuva, Virgin Mobile have done so recently. Real characters in real life situations are seen rather than white heroes. Other brand commercials like Tata Tea & Idea explore the grey side of society & an effective resolution of these issues via the brands. Ads are showcasing greys today.
Statistics reveal that out of about 77 million senior citizens in India, as many as 90% have no social security and are emotionally depressed. Apart from brutality and neglect, the nation does not offer much to those who age.
The Nariman House cook finds living with his memories of 26/11 and the death of his employers daunting.
No sooner had the WPI been officially launched in New Delhi than Muslim supporters as well as critics began posting their comments on various, mainly Indian Muslim, websites, arguing for and against the party. Some, mostly members or sympathisers of the Jamaat, hailed the new party as a welcome development
As domestic metal prices will rise faster than global prices if customs duty on metals is hiked, the capital goods sector seeks retaining them at current levels.
Rajeev Srinivasan on how insurgents and terrorists seem to have more human rights than the average citizen in India.
Not only our hands, but our whole body and deeper down, our conscience -- what remains of it after the mundane battles of our day-to-day life is also dripping with blood. Prabhakaran's blood. No, it is not only Prabhakaran's, but also of 70,000 Sri Lankan Tamils who have perished in the unspeakable violence through the past quarter century